Simple Families
Simple Families
Denaye Barahona Ph.D.

Welcome to Simple Families

Solutions for living well with children.

About Me

Hi! I'm Denaye, the founder of the podcast and community Simple Families.  Simple Families focuses on living lighter with kids, positive parenting, family wellness, and decreasing the mental load. As a Mama with a doctorate in Child Development, my perspectives are grounded in research, but more importantly, real life. 

My work has been featured in Real Simple Magazine, Netflix, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Washington Post, and many more.

Why You Should Join Me

Ready to simplify your online world? In this community we strive to escape the 'dings and beeps' that overload our brains to connect in a more intentional way. You'll find focused conversation that stimulates and informs without overwhelming you. 

In this community we will discuss:

  • Letting go of unrealistic expectations
  • Parenting more positively (but not perfectly)
  • Decreasing the mental load
  • Starting to relax and enjoy the parenting journey
  • Simplifying the ‘physical stuff’ in your home
  • Increasing presence and contentment in the time you spend with your family
  • A newfound sense of lightness

A Big Thanks

I'm so grateful to have you here to support the podcast and my work as a creator.